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Story Box-ID: 535540

WildFit Deutschland Business Tower, Seligenstädter Straße 107 63073 Offenbach am Main, Deutschland http://www.getwildfit.de
Ansprechpartner:in Frau Marlies Dyk +49 621 3389249
Logo der Firma WildFit Deutschland
WildFit Deutschland

WILDFIT - Robert Schillack for you

(lifePR) (Dresden, )
Hi, I am Robert, I am 36 years old and I live with my fiancée Yvonne and our son Kian in Dresden, Germany. After engineering and MBA studies, co-founding two companies in different industries I finally found the right pathway: it is the passion for human health and sustainability. www.getwildfit.de

I had several health problems myself, in particular nasal infections and bronchitis, which occurred many times a year and always knocked me out for several weeks. 16 months ago we made drastic changes to our diet. We stopped eating grain products, dairy products and refined sugar following the Paleo diet. Instead we enjoyed much more vegetables. The result was enormous, so my skin problems disappeared, I got more energy and a more positive mindset and the worst one, sinusitis, was gone as well. From time to time I still get a cold but it disappears after one or two days and it is not that dramatic. So I am really happy that I was able to significantly improve my health which is so important for daily happy living. The other key factor is sustainability.

When humans want to stay healthy, organically grown food is important. This will only grow in an intact nature, with clean soil, water and air. So, human health and sustainability goes hand in hand. My mission is to sensitize people in this regard.

There was an entrepreneurial event 'Light the Fire - Woodstock for entrepreneurs' in Hamburg, Germany in March 2014 where Eric mentioned bare foot shoes in his speech about business freedom and inception marketing.

Due to this decisive key word we talked to Eric during the event and he mentioned WildFit. The concept of WildFit has a more fundamental approach with more far-reaching results on health issues, so we understood that we could benefit even more compared to Paleo. With our passion for human health we see that this can help other people getting back the natural energy. We are determined to take this message to the world: truly ancient health principles will help you achieve outstanding health and energy sustainably. www.getwildfit.de

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